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2010-05-13 05:53:42
Last author: NOOOPE
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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Group 1-The Volcano
[#Solomon Ash] - Widowed Private Investigator
[#Alicein Branch] - Eco-friendly hippie
[#Navzal] - Manipulative bitch boy

Group 2-The Sea Cave
[#Divya Meejiti] - Cranky Chief of Police
[#Steven Peabody] - Techno Guru
[#Silyen] - Hot badass Saxon


Name: Solomon. Solomon Ash. You can call me Sully.

Gender: Male.

Age: I'm 33.

Date: August 5, 1961. Three years, eight months, twelve days.

Appearance: Same as the next guy, I guess. Tall, tan trenchcoat, handsome mug, bit of a 5 o'clock shadow, dark blue pinstripe three-piece, red tie, brown hair, fedora, the works.

Occupation: I'm a private detective. Used to be a cop, but that's a different story. I work up in Hollywood, and my prices are reasonable. I used to work in a firm--Ash and Keller, Ltd., we were in the papers every so often--but my partner skipped town, and good riddance to him. I'll tell ya, I miss the cases, though. These days I'm stuck following cheaters and liars. I'd be fine with it if it didn't interfere with solving the Rose case, but it does.

Proficiencies: I'm a crackshot with my revolver and I'm handy in a barfight. I'm a fine cook if you like your food burnt. As for knots and all that, I was a Boy Scout till I was sixteen, with all that entails.

History: I was born in Chicago on October 7, 1928 to John and Cassandra Ash, the second of four children. I was raised Catholic. My pa was a barnstormer and a pilot for the United States Postal Service. When Pearl Harbor hit, I enlisted in the Air Force and served my term as a fighter pilot in World War II. When I came home, I moved from Chicago to Downtown Los Angeles for a fresh start and joined the LAPD. That's where I met my wife, Penelope Rose. She was gorgeous--an up-and-coming moving picture actress. Two years after we married, Katherine Elizabeth Ash was born--the cutest, smartest little girl on the planet. When she was three, I made detective. When she was ten, I started on a big kidnapping case, bigger than I could've imagined. Everybody was in it--the governor, the police captain, the mafia, everybody. Christmas Eve, 1956 at 4:07 AM, I wake up to flames. Penny and Katie are gone. I'm accused of arson and insurance fraud and told to turn in my badge. My partner, Frank Keller, joins me and we start a detective firm downtown with the intent of rescuing my wife and daughter. He was a stupid bastard with too many powerful friends and too many favors owed. After a particularly nasty encounter with the local mafia he split town and I opened my own firm in Hollywood.

Other: I like my Camels and I like my brandy, same as anybody else.


Name: My name is Cheif Divya Meejiti.

Gender: Female.

Age: I'm 30

Date: April 13th, 2510

Appearance: Who the fuck cares? Well, I have short brown hair and olive colored skin. If you can't tell, I'm of Indian descent. I'm fit- have to be really. It's a job requirement. Ugh...I feel like I'm in one of those stupid dating services. Let's see...while on the job, my uniform consists of a helmet with a heat sensory visor. A pair of state of the art hover boots. Other then that, It's pretty much your standard GPD(Galactic Police Dept) uniform.

Occupation: As stated, I'm Chief of GPD within quadrant 254-4d.

Proficiencies: Bet I could beat you in an arm wrestle? But in all seriousness, I don't look like much but I sure as hell can kick your sorry ass. I use firearms in my line of work so having a steady hand and a clean aim is pretty much a given. 

History: I grew up on a small plantation on a slow moving meteor that orbits Mercury. It was quaint, I guess? A lot of violence in the inner cities. My Father was a police officer and unfortunately he passed away when I was quite young. He was killed by a horde of punk-ass rioters during a protest that had spun out of control. I supposed he was one of my biggest influences to go into law enforcement. I graduated as the valedictorian of my class and have worked my way up to Chief in only 8 years. A record of course. 
Currently I'm working on a case...highly classified so don't even ask. So I practically much live in my office for the time being. I need to make damn sure I'm ready if anything comes up. My Mom gets all paranoid that I'm working too hard. Though she just wants grandkids and no way in heck do I have time to find a man these days. Not that I all. But again, I get a call from her all the time, telling me to go out and meet people. Men only tie you down with all their bonding n'shit. Sorry Mom, I'm married to my work. It's what I get paid for. This sector is counting on me.

Other: I've been told that I have a bad temper. Well fuck them and fuck you too if you think that. People often get confused and think I'm a bitch, but I have to be strong. No one seems to understand how stressful my job can be.


Name: Alicein Wonderland Branch, Alice Threw the Looking Glass was Mom's favorite.

Gender: Dudette

Age: 19, but I lived to be 100 in a previous life.

Date: June 23rd, 1976, I just hitched a ride out of L.A., gonna look for my parents in Arizona.

Appearance: Well, my hair is red, sorta more like orange I guess, green eyes. I wear a lot of cotton, wool, hemp, natural fibers. I don't think we should wear animals man, it's barbaric. All God's creatures have a right to live... But I like color, red, green, tie-dye. The whole world's full of it, you should check it out.

Occupation: I worked in a coffee shop in the Village for, like a month at the beginning of the summer, but I just decided to hit the road. See what this great land of ours has to offer.

Proficiencies: Um... I can sew, braid and knit like no body's business. I can like, make a tent out of clothes and stuff and I know how to cook on a fire. But mainly I'm a pacifist, I believe we should make love not war.

History: My parents where original beatniks if you can believe that. They got fed up with the *quotes fingers* popular scene *end quotes* and moved to Humboldt County a year after I was born. I didn't go to school much, Mom and Dad believed more in life lessons than school rooms. I went just enough that the truent officer never got sent to our house. When I was eleven we hitched our wagon to a caravan headed for a commune in the mountains. It was great, music, love, laughter, our own little paradise. We where forced out when some timber company decided they wanted to clear-cut the mountain. Mom and I wanted to tie ourselves to trees, but Dad made us leave after we heard that they'd cut down a tree with a protester attached... wow, this story is really a drag ain't it? I guess I got off topic, I'm sorry. Uh... where was I? OH, yeah. After that we moved around a lot, we never really stayed in place very long. A rolling stone gather's no moss and all that. I lost Mom and Dad at a concert around April, I'm sure I'll find them, wherever there's good music playing, they'll be there. I just gotta let the wind take me to them.

Other: *shrug* I duno, I like music, art, poetry. I'm easily impressed and I like just about everyone, as long as they aren't mean. I don't have time for people who are mean.


Name: Navzal, son of the Magus Zal. You’ve probably never heard of him, but back in the Seleucid Empire he’s very famous.

Gender: Well, I’d think that’s obvious. I’m practically shirtless.

Age: However old you want me to be.

Date: (Because I don’t know how ancient calendars work, I’m afraid I’ve gotta break character and tell you it’s around 230 BCE)

Appearance: This man wrote a wonderful poem about me once. It was very accurate. Got me to sleep with him despite this… I don’t know what it was but it was on his nose and it wasn’t very flattering. Anyway, I haven’t memorized it. What would be weirder than me reciting love poems to myself? That’s everyone else’s job. It was something about being an exotic flower that puts all others to shame. How the days have been longer since I was born since the sun can’t bare to part with me. It gave me shivers. But, honestly now, I have been told by many people that I the most beautiful boy they have ever seen. You see, my mother was in a similar spot as me. Everyone wanted her. She had these green eyes and light skin. They were out of nowhere. Obviously features like that are rare in the east, but lucky me, I inherited them. Funny thing is, out of the two of us, that is, my mother and I, I by far have gotten more attention. I guess my father had some beauty in him somewhere. Maybe his grandfather was lovely. Basically, what I’m saying is I’m gorgeous.

Occupation: Occupation? Seriously, do I look like I’ve worked a day in my life? No. No is the answer. A clever person, like me, doesn’t need an occupation to live comfortably. I was supposed to become a Magus like my father, but like hell was I going to spend my life memorizing gods and trying to figure out what the stars mean. So when I was 14, I ran off to Greece with a man named Hesiod and became his eromenos. As cute as he was, he wasn’t very wealthy. He knew a guy named Pelagius who was rolling it though, so I left Hesiod and stayed with him. They had a fight over me. It was ridiculous. It did, however, spread my name around, and before I knew it, men from all over were calling on me. I was famous. I- wait. Did I just make myself sound like a whore? Ahahah, no. I am not a whore. I don’t sleep around for money. It’s common for young men to seek out mentors and to live with them until adulthood. It’s not all about sex… I’ve picked up some very valuable lessons from the great men I’ve stayed with. I’m a very talented, intelligent young man and everyone’s eager to pass on some of their knowledge to me. That and clothe me and feed me. I have more jewelry than most women I know. But who am I to say no, really? Who in their right mind would say, no! Stop worshiping me!

Proficiencies: I’m very… persuasive. It’s only natural. I’m right most of the time. There are quite a few men who’ve become dependent on my advice. Let me see. I’m very good at dancing. I have a knack for moving my body, you know. Which, reminds me of a few other things I’m proficient at, but that’s a story for another time. Uhm… I know a little about wrestling… never finished a single session of practicing. You know, wrestlers are so cute, it’s just- I’ve really go tot stay on track. I know at least a little bit about everything and everyone, and one of my favorite mentors is giving me sword lessons. See, some men take it personally when I leave them, and I’ve had one or two death threats. It’s stupid. Really really stupid. I could go on forever, but you’re probably getting bored.

History: I’ve pretty much told you already. My father is a famous Magus, so was his father and his father before him. My mother was some rare beauty, but she died a while ago so I don’t have much information about her. I was basically raised under the assumption that I would gladly become a magus like my father and spend my time conducting funerals and reading moldy scrolls. That didn’t work out. I hooked up with Hesiod, took a boat to Greece and I’ve been happy ever since. People bend backwards for me here. They all find me intoxicatingly beautiful and will do whatever I want.

Other: Not really. I mean, maybe if you’re a rich politician I might fill you in on some of the details I omitted.

Name: Steven Peabody

Gender: Male

Age: 22 Years of age

Date: April 20th, 2013

Appearance: I am super strong with a flawless body and amazing hair...well if I was a level 18 Fighter maybe. Im about 5'6" weighing in at a measley 110. I dont get outside much (I burn easily) so im kinda on the pale side. My eyesight went when I was young so I have to wear my glasses at all times, they look ok but people keep calling them "birthcontrol glasses"...I dont get it though. On an upnote though my braces are coming off soon and my acne is clearing up (thank you Proactive)! My Irish roots shine thrugh greatly in my hair which makes carrot top look like a blonde.

Occupation: Geek Squad at Best Buy and MASTER DM/GM/STORY TELLER whatever it is I've been called it.

Proficiencies: Other then being able to weave a story like none other and being the best caster of the dice this side of Kentucky. I can also break the security system on the pentagon's computer network in approximatly 5.2 seconds.

History: There isnt really much to talk about. I grew up in a rural farm area in Kentucky with nothing more then my dial-up internet connection and my 56K modem *gag*. Went through all the local excuse for schooling on up to College before I got a decent education. Got my degree in computers and what good did it do? I am now over-qualified for my current job.

Other: I am always looking for more players and games to play in so if you know of any, hit me up! And if you need any "other" services go to Best Buy and ask for the "Supreme Computer Package".


Name: Silyen

Gender: Well, uh, I’m a guy. I feel great that you needed to ask.

Age: I lost track somewhere years back. A friend of mine thinks I’m 23. I’d rather think I’m 25.

Date: (Breaking character again. Around 430 AD)

Appearance: Pretty typical. I’m of the blonde haired variety. Got the light skin, green eyes. I pretty much look like everyone else in my tribe. I don’t know what to tell you.

Occupation: Well that’s where it gets interesting. I’m an ealdorman (OOC:military leader). Newly minted. My family what up and died and the council thought it was only proper that I took my pa’s place. So, uh, I, like many ealdormen decided to move to Brittan. The Brittish king is offering up land in return for protection against the crazy’s they got in there, so me and my guys have been killing the Irish and the Picts for a while now. I’ve built quite the reputation for mowing down bad guys.

Proficiencies: Well, I got to tell you… you get in the way of my sword and there’s not a god in heaven or on earth that can save you. Also, I’m death on a horse. Sword, horse, you’re dead. I know what I’m doing folks. And you don’t hurt my horse either. You think I’m dangerous when I’m in control, wait until I’m storming mad. You kill my horse, I skewer you. Skewer. Don’t touch my horse.

History: Ok, well, where to start. My family has a long, rich, truthfully boring history. We’ve been the ealdormen of our Gau (OOC:Shire/village) for decades. Our Gau was pretty powerful, actually, and surrounding the Gau felt threatened. Basically, we were attacked. I was 15-ish, and I don’t know how but I stood my ground. But, uh, not everyone was so fortunate. My family was killed. It… well, uhm, I was young, stupid, but the villagers felt I had proven myself and it was my blood right to lead them. They were damn crazy. We were in a tight spot and they picked a kid to lead them. I led a few raids that were semi successful, but honestly, we were going to get ourselves destroyed. Luckily, at the yearly counsel, the other ealdormen were furious about the feud going on between us and our neighbors and after some scary threats, my Gau was safe for a while. There was always this lingering hostility in the air though. Any moment it would snap. I knew it. When people started packing up for Brittian, it was our ticket out of there. I picked up the entire Gau, built us some ships and got the Hell out.

Other: I’m really not one to rant on about myself, so if it’s alright with you I’d like to nap or something.

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2010-03-21 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. Dont let my wife see that!

2010-03-23 [Ravenclaw]: As if she could do anything right now! lol, she just had two of the cutest symbiotic creatures removed from her abdomen. I think she's gonna be outta commission for a while. lol

2010-03-23 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. You would be surprised...

2010-03-24 [Chel.]: We need one more member... any suggestions? A good player who is online often...

2010-03-24 [NOOOPE]: I already gave you mine

2010-03-24 [Chel.]: Maybe I should just make a second character so we can start this. I don't want you guys losing interest.

2010-03-24 [Lord Josmar]: your the one who gets to make two? What if someone else wants to make two?

2010-03-24 [NOOOPE]: Cage match

2010-03-24 [Chel.]: Haha! Did you want to?

2010-03-25 [Ravenclaw]: I vote we change the name of the page to The Five. lol

2010-03-25 [Chel.]: An even number is sort of ideal though.... for what we have in store... *evil hand rubbing*

2010-03-25 [Ravenclaw]: ok... I offered to make another one first!

2010-03-25 [Lord Josmar]: How about we make a wimpy NPC and have them die within the first five posts?

2010-03-25 [Chel.]: It can't work that way, love. THERE MUCH BE ORDER.

2010-03-25 [Chel.]: Well... should get on more. :P

2010-03-25 [Ravenclaw]: *folds arms* You need your adhd fixed chel. Everything moves too slow for you. You have no patience for other people.

2010-03-25 [Chel.]: I knoooooow...... -_-'

2010-03-26 [NOOOPE]: You could scope out people in the character lounge, you know.

2010-03-29 [Chel.]: Alright, who wants to make another character, yo.

2010-03-29 [Lord Josmar]: I would have to wrack my brain for awhile to come up with one. So if I think of one before someone else does then I will send it to you for checking.

2010-03-30 [NOOOPE]: You'd prefer someone not from the 20th century, I'm guessing...

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